已发表国际SCI期刊论文60余篇,主要发表在PRL(1)、Sci. Adv.(1)、JFM(11)、IJMF(10)、PRF(3)、PoF(19)等流体力学和综合类期刊上(* 通讯作者,# 一作)。
1. Gyrotactic mechanism induced by fluid inertial torque for settling elongated microswimmers. J. Qiu, Z. Cui, E. Climent, L. Zhao*, Physical Review Research, in press (2022).
2. Navigation of micro-swimmers in steady flow: the importance of symmetries. J. Qiu, N. Mousavi, K. Gustavsson, C. Xu, B. Mehlig and L. Zhao*, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 932, A10 (2022).
3. On the existence and formation of multi-scale particle streaks in turbulent channel flows. Y. Jie, Z. Cui, C. Xu, L. Zhao*, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 935, A18 (2022).
4. Scale-dependent particle clustering in transitional wake flow. Z. Shi, F. Jiang, L. Zhao, H. Andersson, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 940, A4 (2022).
5. High-throughput production of kilogram-scale nanofibers by Kármán vortex solution blow-spinning. Z. Li#, Z. Cui#, L. Zhao#, N. Hussain, Y. Zhao, C. Yang, X. Jiang, L. Li, J. Song, B. Zhang, Z. Cheng, H. Wu*, Science Advances, 8, eabn3690 (2022).
6. Active gyrotactic stability of microswimmers using hydromechanical signals. J. Qiu, N. Mousavi, L. Zhao*, K. Gustavsson* Physical Review Fluids, 7, 014311 (2022).
7. Micro-swimmers in vertical turbulent channel flows. Z. Zhang, J. Qiu, and L. Zhao*, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 151, 104035 (2022).
8. Preferential orientation of tracer spheroids in evolving Taylor-Green vortex flow. R. Jayaram*, Y. Jie, L. Zhao and H. Andersson, Physics of Fluids, 34, 043310 (2022).
9. Turbulence modulations and drag reduction by inertialess spheroids in turbulent channel flow. Z. Wang, C. Xu and L. Zhao*, Physics of Fluids, 33, 123313 (2021).
10. A method for long-time integration of finite-time Lyapunov exponent and Lyapunov vectors along fluid particle trajectories. Z. Cui and L. Zhao*, Physics of Fluids, 33, 125107 (2021).
11. Alignment of infinitesimal material elements in wall turbulence. Z. Cui, W. Huang, C. Xu, H. Andersson and L. Zhao*, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 145, 103837 (2021).
12. Clusters and Coherent Voids in Particle-laden Wake Flow. Z. Shi, F. Jiang, L. Zhao, H. Andersson. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 141, 103678 (2021).
13. Effects of the quiescent core in turbulent channel flow on transport and clustering of inertial particles Y. Jie, H. Andersson and L. Zhao*, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 140, 103627 (2021).
14. Alignment and rotation of spheroids in unsteady vortex flow. R. Jayaram, Y. Jie, J. Gillissen, L. Zhao* and H. Andersson, Physics of Fluids, 33, 033310 (2021).
15. Inertial torque on a small spheroid in a uniform flow. F. Jiang, L. Zhao, H. Andersson, K. Gustavsson, A. Pumir and B. Mehlig*, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 024302 (2021).
16. Alignment statistics of rods with the Lagrangian stretching direction in a channel flow. Z. Cui, Anshuman, L. Zhao* and B. Mehlig, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 901, A16 (2020).
17. Orientation of inertial spheroids in turbulent Couette-Poiseuille flow with a shear-free wall. K. Yang, L. Zhao* and H. Andersson, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 132, 103411 (2020).
18. Kinetic energy balance in turbulent particle-laden channel flow. Q. Pan, H. Xiang, Z. Wang, H. Andersson and L. Zhao*, Physics of Fluids, 32, 073307 (2020).
19. Bow shock clustering in particle-laden wetted cylinder flow. Z. Shi, F. Jiang, H. Strandenes, L. Zhao and H. Andersson, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 130, 103332 (2020).
20. Clustering of inertial spheres in evolving Taylor-Green vortex flow. R. Jayaram, Y. Jie, L. Zhao* and H. Andersson, Physics of Fluids 32, 043306 (2020). (Selected as a Featured Article)
21. Non-monotonic effect of mass loading on turbulence modulations in particle-laden channel flow. T. Zhou, L. Zhao, W. Huang and C. Xu*, Physics of Fluids, 32, 043304 (2020). (Editor’s Pick).
22. Swimming strategy of settling elongated micro-swimmers by reinforcement learning. J. Qiu, W. Huang, C. Xu and L. Zhao*, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 63, 284711 (2020).
23. The particle stress in dilute suspensions of inertialess spheroids in turbulent channel flow. Z. Wang and L. Zhao*, Physics of Fluids, 32, 013302 (2020).
24. Mapping spheroids’ rotation modes in turbulent channel flow: Effects of shear, turbulence, and particle inertia. L. Zhao*, N. Challabolta, H. Andersson and E. Variano, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 876, 19-54 (2019).
25. Settling tracer spheroids in vertical channel flows. J. Qiu, C. Marchioli, H. I. Andersson and L. Zhao*, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 118, 173-182 (2019).
26. Diagnostic tools of particle rotation anisotropy. K. Yang, L. Zhao and H. I. Andersson, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 120, 103078 (2019).
27. Influence of the quiescent core on tracer spheroidal particle dynamics in turbulent channel flow. Y. Jie, C. Xu, J. Dawson, H. Andersson and L. Zhao*, Journal of Turbulence, 20, 424-438 (2019).
28. Passive directors in turbulence. L. Zhao, K. Gustavsson, R. Ni, S. Kramel, G. Voth, H. Andersson and B. Mehlig, Physical Review Fluids, 4, 054602 (2019) (Editors’ Suggestion).
29. Stability analysis of rotational dynamics of ellipsoids in simple shear flow. Z. Cui, L. Zhao*, W. Huang and C. Xu, Physics of Fluids, 31, 023301 (2019) (Editor’s Pick).
30. Preferential orientation of tracer spheroids in turbulent channel flow. Y. Jie, L. Zhao*, C. Xu, and H. Andersson, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 9, 212-214 (2019).
31. Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of pulverized biomass jet using spheroidal particle approximation. N. Guo, T. Li*, L. Zhao and T. Lovas, Fuel, 239, 636-651 (2019).
32. On rotational dynamics of a finite-sized ellipsoidal particle in shear flows. R. Li, Z. Cui, W. Huang*, L. Zhao and C. Xu, Acta Mechanica, 230, 449–467 (2019).
33. Mean-shear versus orientation isotropy: effects on inertialess spheroids' rotation mode in wall turbulence. K. Yang, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 844, 796-816 (2018).
34. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of resolved oblate particles in wall turbulence. A. Eshghinejadfard*, L. Zhao and D. Thevenina, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 849, 510-540 (2018).
35. Three-dimensional Voronoï analysis of preferential concentration of spheroidal particles. W. Yuan, L. Zhao*, H. Andersson and J. Deng, Physics of Fluids, 30, 063304 (2018).
36. On wall-normal motions of inertial spheroids in vertical turbulent channel flows. W. Yuan, L. Zhao*, N. R. Challabotla, H. Andersson and J. Deng*, Acta Mechanica, 229, 2947–2965 (2018).
37. Particle segregation in turbulent Couette-Poiseuille flow with vanishing wall shear. K. Yang, L. Zhao* and H. Andersson, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 98, 45-55 (2018).
38. Preferential particle concentration in wall-bounded turbulence with zero skin friction. K. Yang, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, Physics of Fluids, 29, 113302 (2017).
39. Dynamics of disk-like particles in turbulent vertical channel flow. W. Yuan, H.I. Andersson, L. Zhao*, N. Challabotla and J. Deng, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 96, 86-100 (2017).
40. Turbulent Couette-Poiseuille flow with zero wall shear. K. Yang, L. Zhao* and H. Andersson, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 63, 14-27 (2017).
41. Why spheroids orient preferentially in near-wall turbulence. L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 807, 221-234 (2016).
42. Orientation and rotation dynamics of triaxial ellipsoidal tracers in wall turbulence. N. Challabotla, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, Physics of Fluids, 28, 123304 (2016).
43. On fiber behavior in turbulent vertical channel flow. N. Challabotla, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, Chemical Engineering Science, 153, 75-86 (2016).
44. Gravity effects on fiber dynamics in wall turbulence. N. Challabotla*, L. Zhao and H. I. Andersson, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 97, 1095-1110 (2016).
45. A new Eulerian–Lagrangian agent method to model fish paths in a vertical slot fishway. Z. Gao*, H. I. Andersson, H. Dai, F. Jiang and L. Zhao, Ecological Engineering, 88, 217-225 (2016).
46. On the relative rotational motion between elongated fibers and fluid in turbulent channel flow. C. Marchioli, L. Zhao* and H. Andersson, Physics of Fluids, 28, 013301(2016).
47. Rotation of nonspherical particles in turbulent channel flow. L. Zhao*, N. Challabotla, H. Andersson and E. Variano, Physical Review Letters, 115, 244501(2015).
48. Shape effects on dynamics of inertia-free particles in wall turbulence. N. Challabotla, L. Zhao* and H. Andersson, Physics of Fluids, 27, 061703 (2015).
49. On the anisotropic vorticity in turbulent channel flows. H. I. Andersson, L. Zhao* and E. Variano, AMSE Journal of Fluid Engineering, 137,084503 (2015).
50. Orientation and rotation of inertial disk particles in wall turbulence. N. Challabotla, L. Zhao* and H. Andersson, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids), 766, R2 (2015). (JFM Focus on Fluids)
51. Slip velocity of rigid fibers in turbulent channel flow. L. Zhao*, C. Marchioli and H. Andersson, Physics of Fluids, 26, 063302(2014).
52. A Voronoi analysis of preferential concentration in a vertical channel flow. C. Nilsen, H. Andersson and L. Zhao, Physics of Fluids, 25, 115108(2013).
53. On inertial effects of long fibers in wall turbulence: fiber orientation and fiber stresses. L. Zhao*, H. Andersson and J. J. J. Gillissen, Acta Mechanica, 262, 2375–2384 (2013).
54. Bridging the gap between continuum mechanical micro-rotation viscosity and Lagrangian point-particles. H. Andersson and L. Zhao*, ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering, 135, 124502 (2013).
55. Interphasial energy transfer and particle dissipation in particle-laden wall turbulence. L. Zhao*, H. Andersson and J. J. J. Gillissen, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 715, 32-59 (2013).
56. Statistics of particle suspensions in turbulent channel flow. L. Zhao* and H. Andersson, Communications in Computational Physics, 11, 1311-1322 (2012).
57. Stokes number effects on particle slip velocity in wall-bounded turbulence and implications for dispersion models. L. Zhao*, C. Marchioli and H. Andersson, Physics of Fluids (Letters), 24, 021705 (2012).
58. Torque-coupling and particle-turbulence interactions. H. Andersson, L. Zhao and M. Barri, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids), 696, 319-329 (2012).
59. Numerical investigation of particles turbulent dispersion in channel flow. T. Li*, L. Zhao, X. Ku, H. Andersson and T. Lovas, Thermal Science, 16, 1510-1514 (2012).
60. On particle spin in a two-way coupled turbulent channel flow simulation. L. Zhao* and H. Andersson, Physics of Fluids, 23, 093302 (2011).
61. Turbulence modulation and drag reduction by spherical particles. L. Zhao*, H. Andersson and J. J. J. Gillissen, Physics of Fluids (Letters), 22, 081702 (2010).