Qibing Li, associate professor of Fluid Mechanics, was born in Dazhu, Sichuan Province in 1973. His research focuses on the development of modern computational fluid dynamics method and numerical study of various key flow problems.
His group is recruiting postdoctors, PhD/Master/undergraduate students in Fluid Mechanics.
Mail : School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Office: Room N725, Mengminwei Science & Technology Building, Tsinghua University
Teaching Activities:
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Viscous Fluid Dynamics, for postgraduates.
Currently professor Li is mainly interested in the development of modern Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method, especially the gas-kinetic BGK scheme (GKS), and numerical study of various key flow problems. Different from traditional CFD method directly based on macroscopic transport equations, GKS is a new method, which was originally developed by K. Xu from HKUST, based on mesoscopic gas-kinetic theory. Due to its strong physical basis, GKS has shown good performance in many fields, especially for flow with high Mach number or nonequilibrium phenomena. For multiscale flow, the kinetic numerical model can be directly constructed in the discrete space, and then the new CFD method with high efficiency can be developed based on its cross-scale evolution solution. Thus the continuous transition of physical/numerical models for different scales can be achieved. It is a model self-adaptation based on computational mesh resolution. This is very difficult for traditional CFD methods, i.e. the zonal method may be adopted to solve partial differential equations for different scales. For some scales, the effective model equations are even absent.
Existing studies:
1) The expansion of GKS, such as the scheme for complicated grid meshes, the improvement of kinetic boundary conditions, the scheme for scalar transport with arbitrary Schmidt number, the scheme for gas/water flow, the implicit scheme, high-order accurate multidimensional GKS, the unified GKS for axisymmetric flows and massively parallel computation of three-dimensional flows in the whole regime.
2) The turbulence simulation based on gas-kinetic theory, such as the direct simulation with GKS for low Reynolds number flow and the engineering simulation of high Reynolds number flow based on the combination of GKS with turbulence/transition models.
3) Numerical simulation of various complicated flows, such as shallow water, hypersonic flow, near continuum flow and high-speed multimaterial flow.
Ongoing researches:
1) High order accurate and efficient CFD scheme
2) Compressible turbulence and transition flow
3) Hypersonic and rarefied flow
4) High-speed multimaterial flow
[1] Q.B. Li, A gas-kinetic Riemann solver for stiffened gas interface and its application in multimaterial flows. Commun. Comput. Phys., 25, 416-447 (2019)
[2] S. Tan, Q.B. Li, Z.X. Xiao, S. Fu, Gas kinetic scheme for turbulence simulation. Aerosp. Sci. Technol., 78, 214-227 (2018)
[3] C. Zhang, Q.B. Li, S. Fu, Z.J. Wang, A third-order gas-kinetic CPR method for the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations on triangular meshes. J. Comput. Phys., 363, 329-353 (2018)
[4] S.Y. Li, Q.B. Li, S. Fu, K. Xu, A unified gas-kinetic scheme for axisymmetric flow in all Knudsen number regimes. J. Comput. Phys., 366, 144-169 (2018)
[5] S.Y. Li, Q.B. Li, Thermal non-equilibrium effect of small-scale structures in compressible turbulence. Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 32, 1840013 (2018)
[6] S.Y. Li, C. Zhang, S. Tan, Q.B. Li, S. Fu, Gas-kinetic scheme and its applications in re-entry flows (in Chinese), Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 36(5), 885-890 (2018)
[7] S. Tan, Q.B. Li, Time-implicit gas-kinetic scheme. Comput. Fluids, 144, 44-59 (2017)
[8] S. Tan, Q.B. Li, A high-resolution gas-kinetic scheme with minimized dispersion and controllable dissipation reconstruction. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron., 60(11), 114713 (2017)
[9] Z. Wang, H. Yan, Q.B. Li, K. Xu, Unified gas-kinetic scheme for diatomic molecular flow with translational, rotational, and vibrational modes, J. Comput. Phys., 350:237-259 (2017)
[10] S. Tan, S.Y. Li, Q.B. Li, S. Fu, Gas-kinetic scheme and numerical simulation of multiscale flows (in Chinese), Chin. J. Comput. Mech., 34(1), 88-94 (2017).
[11] K. Xu, Q.B. Li, Z.W. Li, Direct modeling-based computational fluid dynamics (in Chinese), Sci. Sin-Phys. Mech. Astron., 44(5):519-530(2014)
[12] Q.B. Li, Song Fu, High-order accurate gas-kinetic scheme and turbulence simulation (in Chinese), Sci. Sin-Phys. Mech. Astron., 44(3):278-284(2014)
[13] Q.B. Li, K. Xu, Progress in gas-kinetic scheme (in Chinese), Advances in Mechanics, 42(5):522-537 (2012)
[14] J.Q. Li, Q.B. Li, K. Xu, Comparison of the generalized Riemann solver and the gas-kinetic scheme for inviscid compressible flow simulations, J. Comput. Phys., 230:5080-5099 (2011)
[15] Q.B. Li, S. Fu, A gas-kinetic BGK scheme for gas-water flow, Comput. Math. Appl., 61:3639-3652 (2011)
[16] Q.B. Li, K. Xu, S. Fu, A high-order gas-kinetic Navier-Stokes flow solver, J. Comput. Phys., 229:6715-6731 (2010)
[17] S.X. Feng, Q.B. Li, S. Fu, On the orbital motion of a rotating inner cylinder in annular flow. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 54:155-173 (2007)
[18] Q.B. Li, S. Fu, On the multidimensional gas-kinetic BGK scheme, J. Comput. Phys., 220:532-548 (2006)
[19] Q.B. Li, S. Fu, Applications of implicit BGK scheme in near-continuum flow, Int. J. Comput. Fluid Dyn., 20(6):453-461 (2006)
[20] S. Fu, Q.B. Li, Numerical simulation of compressible mixing layers, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 27:895-901 (2006)
[21] M.S. Ghidaoui, A.A. Kolyshkin, J.H. Liang, F.C. Chan, Q.B. Li, K. Xu, Linear and nonlinear analysis of shallow wakes. J. Fluid Mech., 548:309-340 (2006)
[22] Q.B. Li, S. Fu, K. Xu, Application of gas-kinetic scheme with kinetic boundary conditions in hypersonic flow, AIAA J., 43(10):2170-2176 (2005)
[23] Q.B. Li, S. Fu, K. Xu, A compressible Navier-Stokes flow solver with scalar transport, J. Comput. Phys., 204:692-714 (2005)
[24] Q.B. Li, S. Fu, Numerical simulation of high-speed planar mixing layer. Comput. Fluids, 32:1357-1377 (2003)
[25] Q.B. Li, H.X. Chen, S. Fu, Large-scale vortices in high-speed mixing layers. Phys. Fluids, 15:3240-3243 (2003)
[26] S. Fu, Q.B. Li, M.H. Wang, Depicting vortex stretching and vortex relaxing mechanisms. Chin. Phys. Lett., 20(12):2195-2198 (2003)