Huimin Xie
Dept of Eng. Mechanics
Tsinghua University
100084 Beijing,
P. R. China
Tel: +86-10-62795793
Fax: +86-10-62781842
Huimin Xie Received Ph. D in Tsinghua university, China in 1992. He is a full professor and the deputy head of key lab of Applied mechanics of ministry of education of China in Tsinghua university. His research areas are in development of new techniques and applications in solving challenging fundamental and industrial problems in the fields of experimental solid mechanics, nondestructive technology and applied optics. He is the chairman of the Chinese committee for Experimental Mechanics(2007-2010), the steering committee member of the ACEM(Asian Committee of Experimental Mechanics), associate editor for the journal of Optics and Lasers in Engineering(China regional, Elsevier Science, UK), editorial member of Strain(Blackwell Publishing, UK) and The Journal of Strain Analysis for Eng. Design(I Mech. E, UK). He has published more than ninety scientific papers in academic journals, proceedings of international conf..
Research direction
NDT, Photomechanics, Micro/nano-mechanics
Academic Achievement
(1) Huimin Xie, Qinghua Wang, Satoshi Kishimoto, Fulong Dai, Characterization of planar periodic structure using inverse laser scanning confocal microscopy moiré method and its application in the structure of butterfly wing, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 101, 103511,2007
(2) Z W Liu,,H M Xie,C Z Gu and Y G Meng, Digital geometric phase technique applied to deformation evaluation of MEMS devices, JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING, 19(1), 015012, 2009 .
(3) Qing-Hua Wang, Hui-Min Xie, Xue Feng, Zejing Chen and Fu-Long Dai,Delamination and Electromigration of Film Lines on Polymer Substrate Under Electrical Loading, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 30(1),11-13, 2009 .
(4) Guo Z, Xie H, Liu B, et al. Study on deformation of polycrystalline aluminum alloy using Moiré interferometry. EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS 46 (6): 699-711 DEC 2006
(5) Liu ZW, Xie HM, Fang DN, et al. Residual strain around a step edge of artificial Al/Si(111)-7x7 nanocluster. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 87 (20): Art. No. 201908 NOV 14 2005